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I ADORE and honor You as the source and grounding of all that is Good, all that is True, and all that is Beautiful. You are Life itself, and your Energy infuses every particle in the Cosmos. You are Light, and your Glo­ry extends to the ve­ry ends of the Unive­rse. You are Love, and your Compassion and Mercy are boundless. I praise you and worship you with all my being, and I celebrate your Fullness and Majesty.

I CONFESS to You, in dust and ashes, that I have sinned against you, with Pride in my heart and Lust in my flesh. I have not loved other people as you do, and I have not humbly served others the way your Son, Jesus, taught us to do. Show me the depravity of my Soul, that I may be brought Low before you, and that from there I may plead your Forgiveness and Restoration.

I THANK You for the many great Blessings I enjoy daily: For life, for health, for provisions, and for those in my life who love me and care for me. Thank you for Jesus, who takes away the sins of the world. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who moves in us in ways we hardly understand but cannot deny. Thank you for revealing Yourself to us, and for showing us your Wisdom when we come to our senses and bow before you.

I SUPPLICATE You on behalf of our broken and desperate Humanity. May you sway the hearts and minds of men and women, most especially my own; may you heal the hurting, provide for the needy, and restrain the Evil that our Enemy is perpetrating on us all. Grant wisdom to our leaders, encouragement to those who seek you, and hope for every person on the Earth. May You reign supreme in my life, over all Mankind, and over the entire World. AMEN.